Socket Preservation Therapy

For implant surgery to find actual success there is a requirement for the dental embed to be sufficiently incorporated into have bone in the appropriate situation in three aspects. For this to be accomplished, sufficient stature and volume of alveolar bone is required.
Socket Preservation Therapy

Nonetheless, the alveolar edge is inclined to resorption following extraction of teeth which brings about deficient bone volume and ominous alveolar edge engineering which eventually restricts the effective arrangement of dental inserts.

What is the procedure of Socket Preservation Therapy?

  • After the extraction is done, the socket is cleaned ,debrided and irrigated.
  • An artificial bone substitute (Bone Graft) is packed into the socket.
  • A special membrane is used to cover the socket opening to prevent graft spilling.
  • The gum margins around the socket are stitched together and left to heal. Once healed the bone graft gets resorbed and converted to bone thereby preserving bone.

What are the benefits of Socket Preservation Therapy?

Socket Preservation system forestalls prompt bone resorption after extraction hence keeping the form and trustworthiness of the attachment with fruitful and normal looking appearance for tooth helpful methodology.

What materials are used for socket preservation?

  • Autograft - Bone reaped from patient's own body.
  • Xenograft - Bone unions or collagen from bovine beginning.
  • Allograft - Irradiated Block bone unites from corpse.
  • Alloplast - Synthetic biomaterials like PLGA, hydroxyapatite, tricalcium phosphate, bioglass - ceramics and so forth.
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