Single Tooth Implant

Single-tooth inserts can be utilized in individuals who have missing at least one teeth. An implant is carefully positioned in an initial that is made by your dental specialist in the jawbone. After the implant incorporates (joins) to your bone, it goes about as a new "root" for the crown that will supplant your missing tooth. A crown (cap), which is made to seem as though a normal tooth, is connected to the implant and occupies the space left in the mouth by the missing tooth.
Single Tooth Implant

What are the advantages of Single Tooth Implants?

  • It does not impact the adjoining teeth

The implant does not cause any harm to the adjoining teeth. The Implant is attached to the jaw of the person which also protects and keeps the other teeth.

  • Oral Comfort

At the point when a normal tooth is missing, it can affect your overall dental health ; bringing about a variety of additional issues. A solitary tooth embed will reestablish the mouth's regular capacity and increment oral solace.

  • Get your smile back

Missing teeth may have lessened you from smiling more often. The missing tooth can hold back on your true self and may affect your overall personality.

  • Longevity

Dental implants are extremely long lasting. As it looks and feels like a normal teeth, so they can be brushed, washed like a normal teeth.

Single Tooth Implants Treatments procedure

  • The dentist makes a first examination and takes one or more x-rays of the area to prepare for the procedure.
  • The implant is placed. At this time, a temporary tooth will be provided that allows you to eat and function like normal almost immediately. The implant will need a few months to integrate with the jawbone before the next step is taken.
  • The final step is the placement of the permanent ceramic tooth. The new tooth is installed for life. No additional treatment is needed.
  • You should expect the new tooth to fit and function just like a natural tooth. Do your usual dental hygiene to keep the tooth and gum around it clean
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