Inlays & Onlays

In dentistry, inlays and onlays are a type of roundabout reclamation, and that implies they are made beyond the mouth as a solitary, strong piece that fits the particular size and state of the cavity,and afterward solidified set up in the tooth. This is an option in contrast to an immediate reclamation, made from composite, combination or glass ionomer, that is developed inside the mouth.
Inlays & Onlays

Advantages of Inlays

  • Inlays are extremely strong and durable: well-made gold inlays, in particular, have exceptional longevity with proper care
  • Inlays can give the restored tooth a natural, aesthetic appearance: ceramic inlays allow an excellent shade match that makes the restoration almost indistinguishable from the surrounding natural tooth
  • Ceramic inlays have better physical properties than traditional resin composite fillings for posterior teeth
  • Inlays may allow the dentist to achieve better contours, contact points, and occlusion than direct fillings because they are custom-made for the patient in a laboratory
  • Resin inlays have less microleakage (diffusion of bacteria/oral fluids between the tooth and the filling material) and less post-operative sensitivity than direct resin composite fillings


When decay and fracture join region of a tooth that make mixture or composite reclamations deficient, for example, cuspal break or remaining tooth structure that sabotages border dividers of a tooth, an onlay may be indicated.[13] Similar to a decorate, an onlay is a circuitous rebuilding which fuses a cusp or cusps by covering or onlaying the missing cusps. Every one of the advantages of a decorate are available in the onlay reclamation.

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