Oral Cancer Detection

Oral Cancer screening is an assessment performed by a dental specialist or specialist to search for indications of malignant growth or precancerous circumstances in your mouth. The objective of oral cancer screening is to recognize cancerous growth early, whenever there is a more noteworthy opportunity for a fix. Most dental specialists play out an assessment of your mouth during a standard dental visit to evaluate for oral disease. A few dental specialists might utilize extra tests to help with distinguishing areas of unusual cells in your mouth.
Oral Cancer Detection

Oral ID and Cancer Detection

Oral ID utilizes a demonstrated, optically based innovation called, "fluorescence innovation." Oral ID's fluorescence innovation utilizes a blue light (435-460 nm) that gives the clinician a guide in perception of oral mucosal irregularities, like oral disease and pre-malignant growth

What makes Oral ID a popular choice?

 Oral ID’s low cost and lack of per-patient disposables make it the most affordable screening light among those currently available.

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